Addiction FAQs: 17 Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

When it comes to addiction, there are so many questions you might be asking yourself and be unsure of the answers to, that’s why we’ve put together a list of some of the most common addiction FAQs. Our list is currently sitting at 17, and if your question isn’t here, add it to the comments section for us.

Addiction FAQs

Here are the addiction FAQs – 17 frequently asked questions and answers

1. Why do addicted people continue to use even when it hurts them?

Addicted people have lost control over their actions. They crave and seek out drugs, alcohol, or other substances at any cost. It is a common misconception that addiction is a choice or indeed a moral failing. Research shows that the brain changes with addiction and concentrated treatment is required to return the brain to a normal state. The more intense and prolonged the use of substances the more disruption is caused to the brain.

Drugs and alcohol hijack the pleasure and reward circuits in the brain and seduce the user into wanting more and more. Addiction also sends out distress signals when the user has not had their fix and feelings of anxiety flood their systems. This is the stage where using the harmful substance is no longer linked to pleasure but rather to a sense of survival.

When addiction is viewed with clarity as a disease that affects the brain it may help to explain why it is so difficult for the addicted person to stop without proper treatment. Active engagement in treatment is essential and increases the positive outcome for even the most challenging cases.

2. How is substance abuse treated?

The intention of treatment is to help the addicted person to stop compulsive substance seeking and use. There are varying forms of treatment that may differ in facilities, chosen therapy and length of stay. Addiction is a relapsing condition and short-term treatment is seldom sufficient. Optimal treatment is a long-term process that involves constant monitoring and many interventions.

Addiction treatment usually combines evidence-based therapy approaches like Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) or contingency management with the inclusion of appropriate medications where required. Combination treatments will differ according to each person’s needs and will consider the substance they abuse.

Medications such as methadone, buprenorphine, and naltrexone are known to be effective in treating individuals addicted to heroin or other opioids. The medication helps to stabilize the person and assists in stopping their illicit drug use. Acamprosate, disulfiram, and naltrexone are medications approved for treating alcohol dependence. People addicted to nicotine often use a nicotine replacement product or an oral medication such as bupropion or varenicline can be an effective component of treatment when part of a comprehensive behavioural treatment program.

Behavioural therapies help to encourage active participation in a treatment programme and offer coping skills that help tackle cravings and avoid triggers. It also teaches people how to deal with relapse so that the problem does not escalate. The crux of therapy is to dismantle old ways of thinking and relating to the world and teach the individual instead how to live in a new way. This assists the person to better the quality of their lives.

Individual, family and group therapies are usually conducted and these sessions serve to teach the individual new skills in all aspects of life but also serve as a base for social reinforcement. The person relates to his or her peers and receives feedback on an ongoing basis which solidifies their resolve to abstain from substance use. The use of group therapy for delinquent teens must be monitored by a trained counsellor as quite often drug use can be inadvertently reinforced and counter the purpose of the group.

Lastly, substance abuse treatment centres should always provide combination treatments per patient. Many people suffer from concurrent illnesses such as infectious diseases (HIV, Tuberculosis, or Hep B or C) or have mental disorders such as Bipolar or PTSD. It is vital that all diagnosed disorders are treated.

Came out of Changes Rehab on Tuesday. Best decision I could have ever made. After looking at other rehabs, this was my choice. The whole experience and program were top class. Extremely professional team.

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I began my treatment at Changes almost 5 years ago. I was a very broken, lost soul and experienced the amazing program and support of my therapist and peers. It was a life-changing time for me.

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I cannot thank Changes enough for all the support, help and encouragement they have given my son. From primary to secondary to the halfway house, he has been treated with respect and care throughout.

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I have the utmost respect and gratitude for Changes and the entire team, from Sheryl all the way to Howard the cook and David the guard. It works if you work it. Thank you Changes team.

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A phenomenal loving environment. Was well taken care off in my biological, psychological, social and spiritual healing. Got me to give the 12 steps a real shot and that changed everything.

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My life was spiralling out of control. The moment I contacted Changes, they offered immediate support. After just one month, I found hope and direction I hadn't felt in years. Forever grateful to the team.

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Changes provided me with the structure and support I desperately needed. The staff’s professionalism and genuine care made all the difference. I’ve rediscovered myself and am embracing a new, sober life.

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My son was on the brink of destruction, but Changes stepped in. Their comprehensive approach and dedicated staff transformed him into a person I never thought I'd see again. Thank you for giving me my son back.

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Safe, confidential and thorough treatment helped me through a very difficult period in my life. Changes provided me with tools and skills to manage my illness and introduced me to a supportive network of people.

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I came to Changes a complete wreck. Didn’t want to do anything about my drug addiction. I fought the system for as long as I could but eventually my mind was changed about what I had to do.

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I'm proud of the family we are at Changes and the work we do because it comes from our heart and care. Due to that care, we change lives. Changes Treatment Centre is where we make change without fear.

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My nephew has been battling drug addiction for years and was isolating. Since he went to Changes Rehab, he is no longer isolating. He engages with us and has been sober. We got one of our own back.

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3. Is addiction treatment effective?

As with all chronic illnesses, addiction can be treated and managed successfully. The objective of treatment is to help people to reintegrate into their lives as productive members of society. The goal is ultimately to improve their quality of life.

Research indicates that long-term treatment that is tailored around the individual’s specific needs and includes consistent assessment, monitoring and correct medication where required, yields positive results.

It has been shown that people who actively participate in their treatment programmes and remain in the process for the duration tend to have better outcomes. Individual results however will depend on the nature and extent of the person’s issues as well as the efficacy of the treatment plan put in place by treatment providers.

Treatment enables and motivates people to resist the disturbing effects of addiction and allows them to take back their lives. However, as with other comparable chronic illnesses like diabetes or hypertension, relapse is not only possible but likely probable. This is not an indication of failure but rather causes to adjust the treatment plan or try an alternative. As with all other chronic illnesses, symptoms can be brought under control but will from time to time require adjustment or modification as the body and situations change.

4. How long does addiction treatment last?

There is no cut and dried length of time for an individual to progress through treatment. However, research suggests that participation in either an outpatient or residential programme for less than 90 days seriously diminishes the efficacy of treatment. Longer-term treatment is always more beneficial and promotes positive outcomes.

Generally, methadone maintenance is monitored over a period of 12 months but addicted persons can benefit from this treatment over many years.

Effective treatment uses motivational techniques to keep patients interested in their recovery and with the high early dropout rate this is a vital aspect of improving the eventual outcome. programmes may need to be adjusted or re-admittance into treatment may be necessary for relapsed patients.

5. What motivates people to stay in treatment?

The successful outcome of treatment strongly relies on the individual staying the course in order to gain its full benefits. It is crucial to utilize all available strategies to keep the person in treatment for as long as possible.

The person’s motivation to change their using behaviour may be strongly guided by support from family and friends and may provide encouragement to engage and retain information during the treatment process. This is also true of pressures that can come from the courts, child welfare and employers.

Treatment should include a full support staff of medical, psychiatric and social services.  Clinicians should establish positive therapeutic relationships and develop a treatment plan together with the patient. The clinician should make sure that expectations are understood and met.

The inclusion of individual problems such as serious medical or mental illness issues or criminal activity increases the chances of a person dropping out of the programme. In these instances, it is suggested that radical interventions are utilised to keep the person in treatment. Continuing care and monitoring should be part of the person’s ongoing recovery.

6. How can family and friends help a person needing treatment?

The support of loved ones is critical in motivating people with substance abuse issues to stay in treatment. Family therapy is also crucial and especially so for teens. The commitment of loved ones can help to extend and bolster treatment benefits.

7. How can the employer play a role in substance abuse treatment?

Many employers have established substance abuse programmes in an attempt to respond to the problems and aftermath experienced in the workplace. These programmes are designed to save money, careers, families and lives. In an endeavour to raise awareness surrounding the impact of substance abuse in the workplace, the ILO (international labour organization) implemented its code in 1995. Although dated, it is still fitting and can help employers develop and maintain a substance-free workplace. Employers would benefit greatly by applying this type of policy. The failure to do so may result in adverse effects on productivity, the business and its employees.

8. What are the different needs of women with substance use disorders?

When treating women with substance use disorders it is important to take into consideration not only biological differences but also social and environmental factors. Research shows that physical and sexual trauma with subsequent PSD (post-traumatic stress syndrome) is far more common in addicted women than men. Factors unique to women that may influence the treatment process includes how treatments sought financial stability as well as pregnancy and / or childcare.

9. What are the needs of pregnant women with substance use disorder?

The use of alcohol, drugs or tobacco during pregnancy may pose a serious threat to the health and well-being of both the mother and developing foetus. The harmful effects of substance abuse on children may increase the risk of stillbirth, infant mortality, SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) low birth weights and a host of other complications. Drinking during pregnancy may cause foetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) which includes low birth weight and a spectrum of cognitive and behavioural issues that are long term problems.

Opioids and some other substances may cause withdrawal symptoms in the newborn child and this is referred to as neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS). These children are at risk of feeding difficulties, seizures, low birth weight and in some instances death.

There are various evidence-based treatments that are reported to be of help to the mother and child during pregnancy. These methods do include medication. Methadone for the treatment of opioid abuse in conjunction with prenatal care and a treatment programme has been known to reduce the harmful outcomes of untreated heroin abuse. The child will however still suffer from methadone withdrawal at birth. Buprenorphine has recently shown fewer NAS symptoms in babies than in those treated with Methadone.

On the whole, a woman seeking drug abuse treatment during pregnancy requires close monitoring and very specific and evidence-based care.

10. Are the treatment protocols different for older people?

Substance abuse is a problem for the user and their loved ones at any age and getting treatment is particularly crucial for the elderly, who are likely to have complications that the younger generation may not. Treatment for older populations is be based on the same modality as for younger people but it is essential to find clinicians who are experienced in treating issues that affect older people competently and sensitively.

The older population may not be the first associated with substance abuse yet increasingly more and more older people are becoming addicted to medications originally prescribed for legitimate reasons, some have been functionally addicted to other substances including alcohol for an extended period of time and only begin to show more obvious signs as they get older. The effects of ageing and life circumstances including, the death of a loved one, loneliness and retirement are all factors that are known to contribute to abuse disorders that begin later in life.

Full-spectrum treatment including medical observation; along with consistent assessment and monitoring should be available in treating the elderly.

11. Can a person become addicted to medications prescribed by a doctor?

Addiction to prescription medication like sleeping pills and tranquillizers is far more common than some addictions to illicit drugs. In the use of these prescription medications the body may build up a tolerance and the dose may need to be increased to achieve the same results.  The most frequently abused prescription and over-the-counter medicines include opioids such as hydrocodone (Vicodin) and oxycodone (OxyContin, Percocet), sleep medicines such as zolpidem (Ambien) and eszopiclone (Lunesta), and stimulants such as methylphenidate (Concerta, Ritalin).

The person may be physically dependent on a prescription medicine if the body has adapted to the effects to the point that stopping its use causes withdrawal symptoms. The only way to get through this stage is to slowly reduce the dosage, under a doctor’s supervision, to prevent severe symptoms of withdrawal.

In a small percentage of people, addictive behaviours may develop during treatment with narcotics or tranquillizers. In these circumstances, it is important to seek treatment.

12. Is there a difference between addiction and physical dependence?

There is a difference between physical dependence and addiction yet it can be difficult to understand as the statements are often used interchangeably.

The term dependence in this instance refers to a physical dependence on a substance and is characterized by symptoms of tolerance and withdrawal. It is possible to be dependent without being addicted yet when this state occurs in a person addiction is often not far behind.

Addiction is characterized by a marked change in behaviour which is caused by chemical changes within the brain with repeated abuse of a substance. The constant craving and seeking of a particular substance regardless of the negative consequence not only to the person but those around them. Addiction is noted to cause irrational behaviour when the substance of abuse is not available to the person.

13. Can co-occurring mental disorders affect substance abuse treatment?

In the event of co-occurring disorders (often referred to as a dual diagnosis), an integrated approach to treatment is best. Both the substance use issue and the mental disorder must be treated concurrently. Long-term recovery depends on receiving treatment for both disorders. Treatment will be determined by taking into consideration the nature of the mental disorder as well as the type of substance abused.

14. Is using medications like methadone or buprenorphine replacing one addiction for another?

Medications prescribed for the treatment and maintenance of opioid addiction are administered under controlled conditions and are effective in treating this addiction when used as directed.

Methadone and buprenorphine are not used to substitute heroin or opioids when used as a maintenance treatment. The euphoria and high associated with the use of the illicit drug are not present. The medication is known to reduce the desire to use opioids. In the event that a person on treatment attempts to use an opioid, the euphoric effects are usually depressed.

People who partake in the maintenance treatments seem to have none of the physiological or behavioural issues usually associated with the use of heroin. Maintenance treatments save lives and allow people to regain their lives and become effective and productive members of society.

15. Where do the 12 steps or other self-help programmes fit into substance abuse treatment?

12 step and other self-help groups can be particularly helpful during and after treatment. These groups offer an added benefit to long–term recovery as they create a support base within a community of people that share the same end goal; to abstain from drugs and to live a healthy and productive life.

The leading self-help groups are those associated with Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Narcotics Anonymous (NA), and Cocaine Anonymous (CA), all of which are based on the 12-step model. Most substance abuse treatment programs encourage patients to participate in self-help group therapy during and after formal treatment.

16. Does exercise help in the treatment process?

Exercise is an increasingly more common component of treatment and has proven effective when combined with other treatment measures. While it is true that not everybody enjoys a workout it most certainly can be beneficial as a tool in rebuilding a healthy life. A study published in Frontiers of recovery 2011 shows evidence that exercise can deter the use of illicit drugs.

In a similar vein, results from a survey conducted by the National Institute of Drug Abuse showed that high school students who exercise regularly were less likely than their more inactive counterparts to smoke cigarettes or abuse marijuana.

A study published by the Scandinavian Journal of Public Health found that people who incorporated exercise into their treatment programs reported reduced intake of drugs and improved quality of life. Participants said they felt more energetic, could breathe easier and felt better about their appearance.

17. How does addiction treatment reduce the spread of HIV, Hepatitis C and other infectious diseases?

People who abuse substances are at an increased risk of contracting HIV (Human immunodeficiency virus), Hepatitis C and other infectious diseases. Both injecting and non-injecting users are at risk. These infectious diseases are spread through the sharing of used needles and by risky sexual behaviour.

Effective treatment programmes help to prevent the spread of these diseases as they reduce drug-related activities by educating and testing the users. Education and counselling focused on the risk behaviours add a level of disease prevention.

Quality treatment programmes offer screening to encourage early detection and referral for HIV treatment is necessary.

What Services Does the Inpatient Rehab Centre in Johannesburg Offer?

Our inpatient addiction rehab centre in Johannesburg provides holistic services aimed at helping patients transition from active addiction to a recovery-focused life. The primary care treatment phase lasts for 21 to 42 days and works towards resolving the many underlying causes of addiction. We utilise clinically proven recovery processes, blending traditional therapeutic methods with contemporary, evidence-based practices.

How is the Detox Process Managed?

Our Johannesburg detox process is managed by an experienced medical team. The aim of detox is to safely remove substances like alcohol and drugs from the body while managing withdrawal symptoms. Each person’s detox may differ depending on the substance and duration of use. We provide a safe and expertly managed therapeutic detox supervised by medical professionals.

Why Choose Inpatient Rehabilitation Treatment?

For individuals who have tried and failed to get sober on their own, inpatient rehabilitation treatment is an advisable option. With round-the-clock residential care, patients gain knowledge about their disease and tools to avoid relapse and maintain sobriety.

What is the Programme Structure of Inpatient Rehab?

The highly structured environment of inpatient rehab is designed to lead you away from potential problems and towards recovery. Our caring medical staff is on call 24/7, providing emotional support, managing withdrawal symptoms, administering necessary medications, and handling emergencies.

How Does Inpatient Rehab Create a Supportive Community?

Inpatient rehab centres aim to create a supportive community where recovery is the only focus. You will be part of a network of support, friendship, and shared experiences, which accelerates your road to recovery. Our programme includes individual and group therapy, medication-assisted treatment, and complementary therapies like yoga, meditation, physical fitness activities, and nutritional guidance.

What Are the Educational Aspects of Recovery?

In recovery, knowledge is power. Inpatient rehab centres teach you about addiction and its effects, relapse prevention, stress management, and other important life skills. This education empowers you to leave not only sober but also stronger and better equipped to handle life’s challenges.

What Aftercare Planning is Available?

Recovery is a lifelong process that doesn’t end when you leave the centre. We help you create a custom aftercare plan, which could include transitional housing, outpatient treatment, support group meetings, and therapy.

How Does Inpatient Rehab Support Co-occurring Mental Health Conditions?

Research shows that approximately half of people suffering from addiction also have another mental health condition, known as dual diagnosis. Patients at Changes benefit from consulting with an experienced addiction psychiatrist who addresses all of their mental health needs. Our psychologists provide essential support for the psychological aspects of addiction and recovery, including addressing past trauma.

Why is Psychotherapy Important in Rehab?

Psychotherapy at a rehab centre provides powerful, useful skills and insights tailored to your needs. Each session helps you understand behaviour patterns, triggers, and the underlying reasons for your addiction. Our therapists offer a trusting, private space to discuss your thoughts, fears, and feelings, leading to breakthroughs that support recovery.

What Role Do Addiction Counsellors Play?

Certified and experienced addiction counsellors in Johannesburg offer personalised, one-on-one sessions to help you overcome your addiction. These sessions focus on your unique experiences, helping you address the physical, emotional, and social damage caused by addiction, identify and manage triggers, and develop strategies for long-term recovery.

What is the Goal of Counselling Sessions?

The goal of counselling sessions is to help you become more resilient and confident. Counsellors provide the skills, knowledge, and self-assurance needed to maintain sobriety, even in challenging situations. This includes occupational therapy to rebuild skills and abilities harmed by addiction and Brain Working Recursive Therapy (BWRT) for rapid relief from negative emotions.

What After Treatment Support is Provided?

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET) are key components of our after-treatment support. CBT improves motivation to change and helps prevent relapses, while MET strengthens internal motivation to stop substance use. Additionally, 12-step programmes offer a structured, community-based support system for long-term recovery. We also provide education for patients and their families on the nature of addiction and the recovery process.

Additional Treatment Options and Services

What is Medical Detox and Why is it Necessary?

Many clients require safe medical detox to remove drugs from their systems and manage moderate to severe withdrawal symptoms that occur when they stop taking substances. Detox is necessary to prevent dangerous consequences from withdrawal and ensure patients do not suffer. We provide safe and expertly managed therapeutic detox, supervised by medical professionals. Each person’s detox will vary depending on the type of drug and duration of use.

What Does the Long-Term Secondary Programme Involve?

When you start our long-term secondary programme, you’ll be treated holistically for at least three months, and possibly longer, depending on your needs. This individualised programme addresses your addiction and uncovers and treats any underlying issues exacerbating your struggle.

How Does the Long-Term Approach Benefit Complex Cases?

If you’re dealing with multiple complex problems, our long-term approach provides comprehensive care over an extended period, allowing ample time to explore these issues and develop effective coping strategies.

How Does the Programme Help Prevent Relapse?

If you have experienced multiple relapses after short periods of sobriety, this programme offers a new perspective. By extending your recovery time, you gain the space to understand and break the cycle of addiction, thus strengthening your defences against relapse.

What Are the Goals of the Long-Term Secondary Programme?

Our long-term secondary programme aims not just for immediate sobriety but for lasting change. It equips you with the tools and knowledge needed to maintain sobriety after the programme ends, guiding you towards a healthier, happier future.

Who is the Outpatient Programme For?

Our outpatient programme is designed for individuals who manage some aspects of normal life despite their addiction. This programme may be ideal if you can maintain daily responsibilities, hold a job, or have a supportive family network.

How Does the Outpatient Programme Fit Into Daily Life?

Unlike in-patient treatments, outpatient programmes offer the flexibility to continue daily activities. Our schedule accommodates your life, allowing you to work or care for your family while receiving treatment.

What are the Advantages of Outpatient Care?

Outpatient care enables immediate application of coping skills learned in therapy to daily life, providing a practical and integrated approach to recovery.

How Does Family Support Enhance Recovery?

A supportive family network significantly aids the healing process. Our outpatient programme includes family therapy sessions, equipping your loved ones with the tools to support your recovery effectively, respect your boundaries, and create a conducive home environment.

What Ongoing Support is Available in the Outpatient Programme?

You will have regular check-ins with our certified and experienced Johannesburg-based addiction counsellors. These sessions allow for discussing progress, addressing challenges, and continuously improving your recovery plan.

How Does the Outpatient Programme Prepare for Long-Term Sobriety?

Practising sobriety and building resilience while maintaining a normal routine facilitates a smooth transition out of treatment. This method prepares you to balance recovery with everyday life.

What Additional Support Services are Included?

Our outpatient programme includes access to various support services, such as 24/7 helplines and recovery support groups, ensuring continuous support beyond treatment sessions.

What are the Benefits of Halfway Houses?

Our Johannesburg halfway houses offer safe, structured environments for recovering addicts to regain their footing and reintegrate into society. Clients face real-world challenges while benefitting from a supportive environment to overcome life’s obstacles clean and sober. Clients follow a strict routine, and safety measures are in place. Employment search is encouraged, and those not working participate in a daily therapeutic programme.

What is Sober Living at the Halfway Houses?

Sober living at our halfway houses provides more than just accommodation. It offers a supportive community, a structured environment, and a stepping stone towards a clean, sober, and fulfilling life. Designed to help you regain your footing, these houses support your reintegration into society while maintaining your sobriety, allowing you to face real-world challenges and triumphs in a supportive setting.

Ingrid Ter Horst is a Recovery Assistant at Changes Rehab in JHB

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Recovery Assistant

Supporting your recovery process.

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