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The 12 Patterns of Denial & Comparing in Addiction 

People with addiction or substance abuse problems use different forms of denial to keep themselves in the addictive cycle. Comparing in addiction is one example. Denial can be a dysfunctional protection mechanism which you may use to protect yourself from having to recognise, deal with and accept the reality of what is occurring in your life. This is often unconscious. International addiction expert Terence Gorski […]

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3 Things to Know Before You Detox From Drinking.

Detox from drinking is the first part of the rehabilitation process for people with Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD). Medication must be used to gradually wean patients off alcohol. Once physically dependent, alcohol withdrawals can be dangerous and even life-threatening. Call us on 081-444-7000 and we’ll guide you through the inpatient alcohol detox and rehab process that your medical aid pays for. Terry Gorski, a world-renowned […]

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What Happens to Babies Exposed to Benzodiazepines?

Using benzodiazepines, commonly known as tranquilisers, during pregnancy can have serious consequences for infants. It may be very difficult for pregnant women who are addicted to benzodiazepines to read this post but it is intended to educate, not to judge. We urge you to seek treatment sooner rather than later for the best outcomes for you and your baby. Drug and alcohol use during pregnancy […]

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Am I an Addict? Common Signs and Symptoms of Addiction

Am I an addict or alcoholic? If you are asking yourself this question it means that you are concerned about your drug or alcohol use. It is important to pay attention to these concerns and to find an answer to this question so that you can get help sooner rather than later – and prevent many of the serious consequences of untreated addiction. You may […]

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Can Addiction Be Treated with Medication?

There are a number of medicines that have been approved for treating substance use disorder and this begs the question can addiction be treated with medication. How effective is medication for the treatment of addiction? Giving a person medication alone is of little benefit for treating addiction, but when medication is prescribed alongside rehab treatment it can improve outcomes both in the short-term (for detox) […]

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The Longer The Treatment The Better The Results

Evidence shows that the longer a person stays in treatment, the higher the chances that they will achieve long-term sobriety. But even brief treatment is better than no treatment at all. Aftercare and outpatient programmes are a good idea for those unable to spend a lot of time in inpatient treatment and are ways to better a person’s odds of staying in recovery. Post 15 […]

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Why You Need To Act Fast When Someone Agrees To Go To Rehab?

When it comes to bringing your loved one to treatment, time is of the essence. To save a life, rehab should be easy to access with as few obstacles as possible. You should know about rehabilitative treatment: What works. This list was compiled by the European Association for the Treatment of Addiction, according to the latest evidence. It is often difficult to get a loved […]

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