Understanding Codependency in Addiction: An Essential Guide for Families

How Does Codependency Affect Addiction?

Codependency in addiction is a complex and multifaceted psychological construct, often viewed as a form of ‘relationship addiction’. Codependency is excessive emotional reliance on a partner, especially an addict, perpetuating the cycle of addiction. In a codependent relationship, the enabling partner often subordinates their needs to those of the addicted individual. This dynamic compounds the addiction and delays or prevents the addict from getting treatment and recovery.
In essence, the codependent individual becomes emotionally invested in the addict’s struggle, often to the point of neglecting their own well-being. Codependency in addiction is often traced back to a fear of abandonment, a need for approval, or a sense of guilt if they fail to support the addict. Consequently, the codependent partner often ends up indirectly facilitating the addiction rather than helping to resolve it. But how does this dynamic affect addiction? What can be done to change?

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Codependency: An Enabling Environment

Enabling addiction is a codependency key feature. The codependent partner, driven by a misguided sense of ‘helping’, often shields the addict from the consequences of their actions. This protective behaviour may manifest in a variety of ways: from covering up for the addict’s mistakes, to financially supporting their addiction, to denying the severity of the situation. Consequently, the addict is disincentivised from seeking treatment, as the enabling behaviour removes the necessity to confront and tackle their addiction.
This unhealthy dynamic is underpinned by the codependent’s fear of losing the relationship if the addict gets better. In a sense, the codependent partner has a ‘stake’ in the addict’s sickness: it provides a sense of purpose, even identity and control. Thus, their actions, although often well-intentioned, inadvertently strengthen the cycle of addiction.

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Codependency in Addiction: A Barrier to Recovery

Codependency can be a significant barrier to your loved one getting into recovery. It serves to perpetuate damaging denial. If you foster an enabling environment instead of challenging it, you will block your loved ones’ access to recovery.
Codependency in addiction sits at the intersection of an addict’s need for their substance of choice and a loved one’s instinctive desire to shield them from harm. This dynamic creates a scenario wherein the codependent individual, often a family member or close friend, inadvertently aids the addict in maintaining their destructive habits.
A codependent individual typically denies the severity of the addiction, excuses the addict’s behaviour, and even facilitates their access to the substances they’re dependent on. This behaviour, while born out of a misguided sense of care and concern, results in the addict becoming more deeply entrenched in their addiction. Codependent behaviour allows the addict to not see their problem and not seek treatment.

It’s important to understand the difference between ‘helping’ and ‘enabling’. Helping leads to growth and recovery, enabling perpetuates the status quo of addiction. Unfortunately, in codependent relationships, the line between helping and enabling often becomes blurred.
Moreover, Codependency in addiction can result in emotional exhaustion for the codependent individual, as their life becomes inextricably linked to the addict’s struggle. This physical and mental strain can lead to burnout.

Codependency in addiction acts as a barrier to treatment and recovery. It keeps the cycle of denial and deterioration alive and well. Understanding codependency and being willing to put an end to enabling behaviours is a difficult transition for family members.

The Emotional Toll of Codependency

Not only does codependency perpetuate addiction, but it also exacts a severe emotional toll on the codependent partner. The stress and anxiety caused by active addiction can lead to codependents suffering mental health issues. Depression, anxiety and low self-esteem are common. When the codependent’s life often becomes consumed by the addict’s problems, this leads to social isolation and neglect of personal needs and interests.
Treating addiction with addressing codependency leads to poorer outcomes from treatment. Both parties need appropriate psychological support to enhance the likelihood of successful recovery.

The Impact of Codependency on Family and Friends of Addicts

Codependency in addiction has negative consequences for family and friends of addicts and alcoholics. The dynamics of this interdependency often foster an environment counterproductive to recovery. It is tantamount to understand that the consequences of codependency aren’t solely confined to the person suffering from addiction; they rippUnderstanding Codependency in Addiction Recovery An Essential Guide for Familiesle outwards, influencing those around them.

Immersion in the Addict’s World

The continuous struggle to maintain a semblance of harmony within a family dealing with addiction often leads to a cycle of codependency in addiction. Codependence is destructive. It feels like you’re doing all you can to help, but in reality, you’re keeping your loved ones addiction alive…

The Cycle of Codependency: Recognizing the Patterns

Understanding codependency implications and how to change your behaviour provides a path to recovery for the entire family. In the throes of addiction, the family’s efforts to help can inadvertently nurture the addict’s dependency, thus perpetuating the cycle of codependency. Recognising the patterns is a critical first step. By maintaining effective boundaries, families can leverage their loved one into treatment. It’s not an easy journey, but without sufficient leverage we all too often see families and their addict continue down the road to ruin. Remember, it’s not just about the person with the addiction – everyone in the codependency in addiction relationship needs support and healing.

Overcoming Codependency: Setting Effective Bottom Lines

Without effective boundaries and “bottom lines“, a set of behaviours or circumstances that the codependent person will no longer tolerate from the addict, recovery is often out of reach. Setting bottom lines is not punitive, it’s an act that pushes the addict towards health and protects the family.

Understanding Bottom Lines

The concept of a bottom line, a term borrowed from the world of finance, refers to the minimum acceptable outcome in a negotiation. In the context of codependency in addiction, bottom lines are self-imposed rules set by family members or friends to help them maintain their well-being while encouraging the addict to change their behaviour. These could be actions they will take or boundaries they will enforce if the addict continues their substance abuse.

Setting Effective Bottom Lines

There are several considerations when setting bottom lines. The key is to ensure they are firm, clear, and realistic:
•    Firm: Bottom lines should be non-negotiable. This means once they are set, they should not be altered or ignored. If you fold, the addict knows they’re in control and nothing will change.
•    Clear: They should be unambiguous and easy to understand. The addict should know precisely what is expected of them and what will happen if they don’t meet these expectations.
•    Realistic: Unrealistic bottom lines set the stage for failure. They should be achievable and within the control of the person you’re helping.

Examples of Effective Bottom Lines

Each situation is unique, but here are few examples of potential bottom lines:
1.    The addict must attend treatment meetings regularly, or they will not have access to the family car.
2.    If the addict continues to use substances at home, the codependent person will move out.
3.    If the addict gets arrested for drug-related crimes, the codependent person will not bail them out.

The goal is never to punish or control the addict. It’s about protecting the family and ensuring that the addict’s destruction isn’t contributed to by the family. It lets the addict take responsibility for their addiction and get some help! This is always an emotionally challenging time for families. But without breaking the cycle of codependency in addiction, the family doesn’t heal and the loved ones’ addiction continues.

By setting effective bottom lines, families of addicts are not only taking steps to protect their own mental and emotional well-being, but they are also creating an environment that may just leverage their loved one into seeking and committing to treatment. In the end, both you and the addiction treatment team want your addict in recovery.

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The Importance of Consistency with Boundaries and Bottom Lines

Once the groundwork for comprehensive boundaries and bottom lines has been laid, it’s time to follow through. This is the hard part for families. It’s challenging to change behaviours that have lasted a lifetime and the entire family plays a part. Without the family willing to engage in this work, it reduces the chances of the addict getting into long-term, stable addiction recovery. Family work is an integral part of the process of overcoming codependency in addiction. It needs insight into how the family has enabled the addiction, this requires professional addiction treatment. The family needs to stand firm, even in the face of the manipulations from the addict. Understanding Codependency in Addiction Recovery An Essential Guide for Families
The efficacy of the boundaries and bottom lines established is directly contingent upon the consistency of their enforcement. Inconsistent boundaries allow the addict/alcoholic a lack of accountability and no one changes toxic behaviours. With addiction, inconsistency fuels addictive behaviour, giving your addict chances to continue their self-destructive habits.

“Setting firm, consistent boundaries is your greatest weapon against addiction. It establishes credibility and aids the recovery process”

The Benefits of Professional Support for Codependency in Addiction

There are a few key strategies for maintaining consistency:

• Staying Resolute: Sticking to your bottom lines and boundaries may be tough, but wavering or giving in to manipulation only encourages the behaviour you’re trying to change. Be firm, yet empathetic.
•    Continued Communication: Regular conversations about the boundaries and bottom lines help to reaffirm your stance. It keeps everyone on the same page and reaffirms the boundaries.
•    Self-care: Maintaining consistency can be emotionally taxing. Prioritise self-care to ensure that you’re mentally, emotionally, and physically equipped to handle the challenges that arise.
Consistency is not a destination, but a continual journey. It needs effort. This can only come after you’ve “done the work”, This commitment is pivotal in breaking the cycle of codependency in addiction. Without this, the family as a whole cannot redefine their healthier relationships. And without doing this work, you cannot support your loved ones addiction recovery.

Overcoming Codependency in Addiction: Building Healthy Relationships in Recovery

Recovery isn’t justt for the addict or alcoholic, but also for family and friends.
Codependent relationships often stem from a place of fear, guilt, and a desperate need for control. These feelings are replaced with healthier coping mechanisms when codependency is addressed. However, it’s essential to acknowledge that overcoming codependency in addiction doesn’t happen overnight: it necessitates commitment, patience, and resilience.

Step Towards Self-Care

One of the first steps in overcoming codependency in addiction is to recognise the importance of self-care. People in codependent relationships often neglect their own needs in favour of the addict’s needs, which can lead to physical and emotional exhaustion. Learning to prioritise one’s own well-being, which may initially seem selfish to the codependent person, is a vital aspect of breaking free from the cycle of codependency.

Setting Boundaries

Boundaries encourage healthier relationships by ensuring that everyone’s needs and rights are respected. Boundaries should be clear, firm, and consistently upheld. They relate to time spent together, financial responsibilities, or expectations around behaviour and treatment. The aim is to protect all parties and ensure that the addict/alcoholic stays on the recovery path. This structure reduces the negative codependency in addiction dynamics. Setting boundaries is not about controlling the addict/alcoholic, but about taking care of oneself and pushing them into recovery or facing the consequences of their addiction.

Good luck in your quest. Reach out to us if we can help.

Kate Saxton is a Group Practice Director, Counselling Psychologist at Changes Rehab in JHB

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Group Practice Director, Counselling Psychologist

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